Bases: QWidget
A Widget to control the camera device ROI.
When the ROI changes, the roiChanged
Signal is emitted with the current ROI
(x, y, width, height, comboBoxText)
Name | Type | Description | Default |
QWidget | None
Optional parent widget, by default None |
CMMCorePlus | None
Optional |
_clearROI() -> None
Clear the Camera ROI and reset to full chip.
_emit_roi_changed_signal() -> None
Update the camera info with the new ROI values.
_get_loaded_cameras() -> list[str]
Get the list of loaded cameras.
It excludes the Micro-Manager Multi Camera Utilities adapter.
_get_roi_values() -> tuple[int, int, int, int]
Get the current ROI values for the selected camera.
_get_updated_crop_mode(camera: str, start_x: int, start_y: int, width: int, height: int) -> str
Get the updated crop mode based on the roi values.
_on_camera_changed(camera: str) -> None
Update the ROI When the camera combo box changes.
_on_center_checkbox(state: bool) -> None
Handle the center checkbox state change.
_on_crop_button_clicked() -> None
Handle the crop button click event.
_on_crop_roi_mode_change(value: str) -> None
Handle the crop mode change.
_on_property_changed(device: str, prop: str, value: str) -> None
Handle the property changed event.
_on_roi_set(camera: str, x: int, y: int, width: int, height: int) -> None
Handle the ROI set event.
_on_roi_width_height_changed() -> None
Handle the roi width and height spinbox value change.
_on_start_spinbox_changed() -> None
Handle the start_x and start_y spinbox value change.
_prepare_roi_combo_items(camera: str) -> list[str]
Prepare the ROI combo items that will be displayed in the combo box.
_reset_crop_mode_combo() -> None
Reset the crop mode combo with the selected camera options.
_store_camera_info(cameras: list[str]) -> None
Store the camera information in the _cameras
_update_lbl_info() -> None
Update the info label with the current ROI information.
_update_roi_values(roi: ROI | None = None) -> None
Set the ROI values for the specified camera.
_update_start_max_value() -> None
Update the maximum value for the start_x and start_y spinboxes.
value() -> dict[str, CameraInfo]
Return the camera information dict.
Example# | |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 |